Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to Find an Ontario Government School or School Board

The Ontario Government School and Board Finder provides contact information for Ontario Government Public schools and school boards.

You can perform a simple search on school and board names or an advanced search that allows you to also include city, language, level and type in your search criteria.

The following are links:

Link to Find an Ontario School

Link to Find an Ontario School Board

There are three clasifications for elementary and high schools in Ontario.

1. Public schools
2. Catholic schools supported by public system
3. Private schools

There are wide differences in education quality offered by the Ontario schools.

The Public and Catholic schools that hire Ontario College of Teacher Members with Faculty of Education degrees usually offer the best quality elementary and high school education programs - graduate more students and have higher acceptance at university and professional degree programs.

Many private elementry and high schools report to or are licensed as private schools by the Ontario Ministry of education. Many of these private schools do not hire Ontario College of Teacher Members or even graduates with an Education Degree. Every year dozens of these very poor schools lose their registration or license or after inspection the students can not get a credit for their studies so sometimes students lose one or two years of study and of course all their money is gone.

You must do more research on private Ontario elementary and high schools before paying tuition.

Link to Ontario Government Warning about Private Elementary and High Schools

Consumers are advised to exercise due diligence with respect to contracts with private schools as they would with any other business transaction. For questions please refer to the Consumer Protection Branch of the Ministry of Government Services at (Toronto) (416) 326-8555, or (toll-free) 1-800-268-1142.


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