Saturday, June 24, 2023

New and Expanded Medical Schools Announced across Canada

The College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan

REGINA – The College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) is celebrating the expansion of its Regina-based undergraduate medical doctor (MD) program with the grand opening of its new campus facilities. The ribbon cutting ceremony officially marks the expansion of the MD program in Regina to the full four years and celebrates the MD program being based in two Saskatchewan cities.

A new medical school for B.C.

The provincial government is enhancing primary care and access to family doctors across B.C. Part of this work includes the creation of a medical school at SFU to educate more doctors to serve underserved populations and to improve care throughout the province.

Ontario Training More Doctors

Expanded undergraduate and postgraduate medical school positions will be allocated as follows:

  • Ryerson University will receive 80 undergraduate seats and 95 postgraduate positions
  • University of Toronto will receive 30 undergraduate seats and 45 postgraduate positions
  • Northern Ontario School of Medicine will receive 30 undergraduate seats, and 41 postgraduate positions
  • Queen’s University will receive 20 undergraduate seats and 30 postgraduate positions
  • Western University, McMaster University and University of Ottawa will each receive 28 postgraduate positions.

The University of Prince Edward Island announced that it is creating a new faculty of medicine, in partnership with Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador. The faculty will provide 20 seats for Island students, including at least one for an Indigenous student.

Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston's state of the province address focused on the government's firm commitment to fix health care and included the announcement of a new medical school for Cape Breton University.

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