Tuesday, September 22, 2020

SUPERTMATIK Mental Math International Competition 2020/21

SUPERTMATIK Mental Math International Competition 2020/21
Due to coronavirus concerns, the Competition will be held online-only

SUPERTMATIK mental math game is a mathematical card game played in schools since 2005. Best known as "SUPER T", this mental math game has proven to successfully engage students in grades 1 through 9 (students aged between 6 and 15 years).

In 2007 EUDACTICA publishers, created the International SUPERTMATIK Mental Math Competition, a contest based in the SUPERTMATIK Mental Math game. This contest has become a key event in the teaching of mathematics. The central principle of this championship is for students to develop basic competence in mathematics from the beginning of their schooling through constructive play, interesting and involving them in it via a fun way of learning.

Why should I register?

1. All teachers recognize the importance of practicing mental math;
2. Practicing mental math doesn't just help students develop academically, it's also a useful life skill;
3. SUPERTMATIK will boost your pupils motivation towards mental math;
4. SUPERTMATIK will keep ALL students motivated - everyone can play at their own level.

Entering the SUPERTMATIK school competition is free of charge and does not imply any purchase obligation, unless you wish to register your school winners in the Grand International Final. In this case, a small fee (EUR 3) will be charged for each student you wish to register for the final stage

Mental Math Competition RULES | Online Enrollment

How to play SUPERTMATIK?

Time Attack mode
Versus Robot mode

For further information kindly contact: E: supertmatik@eudactica.com or call us 00351 966 208 191.

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